Saturday, 22 June 2013

Mind over matter or matter over mind?

I have an app that gives me an inspirational quote once a day. I personally love this because it teaches me a new quote and gives me something to muse over for the day.

Today it was a quote by Bruce Lee; "If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your  work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and  you must not stay there, you must go beyond them."

This is the most meaningful quote I've read in a bit. And if you think about it, its actually quite true.

Think about a difficult task you've recently taken on. It could be trying to start exercising, learning a language - anything! As soon as you begin, your automatic mind frame is to go, "Okay. This is what I can do, and I won't aim any higher than that for now for the risk of failure".

But this will carry on, until you're unconsciously placing limits onto everything. I know I do this. I trick myself into thinking I'm only capable of something, when really I could be far more than capable - or so I've been told. But see, even in that comment it shows the self doubt.

I guess you've just gotta reach that plateau. It will be a difficult climb upwards, but once you're on that plateau you'll be able to see the sky. And at that point you have to aim for the moon, because even if you miss, you'll land amongst the stars.

For a personal example, dancing. I seriously struggle with a sort of turn we have to do. I can complete one and a half sets, and I need to be able to complete 2 and a half.

I begin, standing at the end of the room. My first thought is always "You're going to do so badly".
I'm automatically preparing myself for failure, even though I might not do as badly as I've fooled myself into thinking.

I begin turning, "Oh! Yay! These are going well!". But by the time I've reached the second set, I've hit that plateau. And I have the worst tendency to give up. So I do.

This is where I falter. I know I shouldn't give up. Mentally, I know it. But now my body thinks it's acceptable for me to stop there. So it shuts down.

After getting a telling off in dance class (for giving up again - it was for my own good)  I'm trying to leap off my plateau into the sky. And its hard, but I'm trying. I'm going beyond my plateau. Sure, its not comfortable to be leaning over the edge, but it'll benefit me in the end and maybe help me to be able to just pick myself up and try and try again, instead of being scared of failure.

But I'm still left wondering, is it a case of mind over matter or matter over mind? Surely if you let your mind over the problem it'll crush any weak positive thoughts you have. So I think in this scenario, its matter over mind. Just do it, don't stop and think. You never know, some of the best discoveries are finding out you can do something you never believed you could!

Love May

Updates with Sam and I;
I swear dear Sam Yao is trying to kill me. On my latest two runs he's put me in danger of getting bitten by a zombie for the sake of "scientific research". At least its making me fit!

I've been a bit slack recently, and I'm a run behind where I should be. Its probably because it's the middle of winter in NZ and absolutely FREEZING! But I'm planning to do four runs next week instead of three, just to get me back on track. 

I've eaten brown rice every day for the past week. Bit sick of it now. Looking for a new healthy (and low calorie) lunch. I'll probably invent something myself. I'll let you know!
Also, I made a really good fruit smoothie the other day for breakfast. Slice a banana and put it in the freezer on a baking tray the night before. When you get up, put it in the blender along with 1/4C of blue berries (mine were frozen) and let sit for about 5 minutes to soften slightly.
Note: don't let them soften entirely. The smoothie won't be thick! You don't really have to let it sit at all.
Add 1/2C plain Yogurt (I used some light berry yogurt we made earlier) and blend. If its too thick and not blending properly, add a little bit of fruit juice (I used water and it turned out just as good). It has about 300 calories. :)

Also, I'm attempting to go vegetarian. I'll let you know how it turns out!